Saturday, June 5, 2010

Traditionally, Filipinos are simple, contented and happy. In the Province,they grow vegetables in their backyard that supplies them food every meal .Farming is the main source of income .From work, the husband gets home with food on the table prepared by his wife who gives him hugs and kisses to relieve his stress and children kiss his hands as a sign of respect. They use “po” and “opo” and don’t call elders by their names. This is a big distinction from the Western world. Couples only argue with minor details and misunderstanding specially with financial issues most of the time. Some violent jealous husbands tend to hit their wives physically but will make children at the end of the day. Being in the province is a big factor to rapid growth of population.
Wives in the community create troubles with gossip which easily spreads and when it gets to the person being talked about ,that’s where the war begins, however the head of the Barangay the will be responsible to settle it.
With Spanish Influences, they got plenty of traits from them. One is the Maňaňa habit which means procrastinating. It’s also in the blood of Filipinos of being lazy thinking that tomorrow never ends. They would stay at home and sleep as long as there’s still food available for the day. Otherwise, they’ll be force to do so. An attitude seen by Western people to be a cause of the major problem of this country ( Poverty).
People loves celebrations, it’s their way to escape from their work and bonding to create a harmonious community. Moreover, hosts are hospitable to neighbors during birthdays providing them loads of food and drinks while singing Karaoke.
Most men are also addicted to gambling. Cockfighting to be the most. A reason why marriage is at risk! When he can’t bring food for the family at all if he lose.
But money is not necessary to have fun too .They play Basketball, Billiards, Chess and other recreational activities during their spare time.
Children find themselves in the playground, climbing trees and are trained for household chores.
Filipinos value kindness and generosity. When they see their neighbors stumbling down, they wouldn’t hesitate to offer any help without asking in return. Its a “give and take process”.
When you buy food at the market, you are expected to bargain. And vendors will just approve. People understand and in this picture you can see harmony and cooperation.
You can see a big difference in the picture between City and the Countryside. Why you think many still like living in a polluted crowded city where they can barely move without money and crimes are rampant?

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